Geek Out Challenge – Day 3

We arrive at day 3 of the 30 Day Geek Out Challenge! After the first two days of the challenge posing the questions of your first and most recent geeky obsessions the next question is…

What was your favorite convention experience?

This regretfully, will make for a rather brief post for today as I have never attended any sort of convention. I would love to go to one, but never have, so I will mention a few aspects I think would be fun in participating in one. The obvious choices of conventions I still have aspirations to one day attend would be the San Diego Comic-Con, or E3 – either of those would be amazing. Some of the aspects of conventions I think would be interesting are ….

  • Cosplay – As something that I would most likely never be able to do myself, some of the creativity( and effort!) that cosplayers put into the characters they represent, be anime, comics, or video games is absolutely amazing! It shows the amount of passion these series generate amongst fans.
  • Community – In knowing a few that have actually been to different conventions, one of the first things that is mention is the general feeling of community. Conventions have historically provided a safe haven for those who don’t always feel like they fit in with others and their interests and hobbies don’t match friends or family around them. I definitely have experienced this in my lifetime, and it’s great how conventions, or internet in a broader sense help us to share our passions with others.
  • Exclusive Merch – From limited edition Comic-Con Funko Pops, to rare video game imports, or simply “geek culture” memorabilia, conventions offer up some sweet, sweet, swag 🙂 I don’t have the money, I don’t have the space at home, but I still NEED IT dammit!

That’s it for today! What experience at any conventions do you have? Let me know in the comments below. See you tomorrow!

Author: Gaming Omnivore

Just a guy who loves video games, drinks way too much coffee and can recite way too many Simpsons episodes...

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