Blogtober 2020 – Halloween Travel Ideas

All equipped and nowhere to loot for Halloween? Are you looking for some spooky fun? Let the pro(s) at Gaming Omnivore assist you by offering some frightfully fun travel suggestions! First option we have is…


Yearning for adventure? Book a trip to scenic Yharnam and take in the rich history and gothic architecture this picturesque city has to offer! See a real life ceremonial pyre, go sightseeing at the Grand Cathedral, or simply take in the hospitality of the locals. The scenic countryside offers beautiful vistas as well as a diverse population of creatures to make your visit particularly memorable. An extremely popular destination for the avid hunter!


The stresses of life above the waves got you down? Take a once in a lifetime trip to the underwater metropolis of Rapture! Rub shoulders with society’s elite at one of the city’s elegant lounges and nightclubs. Looking to escape the rat race and relocate? Rapture is home to numerous businesses and research facilities on the cutting edge of gene-splicing technology. If you’re looking to go where it’s better(and wetter), book a voyage to Rapture today…would you kindly?

Racoon City

Looking for the excitement but would prefer to stay on dry land? The midwestern town of Raccoon City offers the amenities of a big city, but retains the charm of a small town. This growing community features thriving nightlife and is also home to the decorated Raccoon City Police Department or RCPD. The area is also home to the shadowy burgeoning pharmaceutical company – Umbrella Corporation. Lost your way? Just not sure what activity to plan next? Feel free to ask any one of the city’s cordial yet persistent denizens who are always hungry to help.

Silent Hill

Are you looking to escape the trappings of modern day life such as cell phones or radio reception? Book an excursion “away from it all” and visit the quaint town of Silent Hill. You you can stroll the charming foggy streets or visit the cafe in this tight-knit family community without the crowds found in larger cities. Care to do some exploring? Make your way out to our scenic bridges, hospitals or bring your daughter to the Lakeside Amusement Park. Don’t cancel your plans to visit this entrancing community and make some memories that will haunt last a lifetime!

Thanks for reading!

Author: Gaming Omnivore

Just a guy who loves video games, drinks way too much coffee and can recite way too many Simpsons episodes...

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