Geek Out Challenge – Day 13

We enter Day 13 of the 30 Day Geek Out Challenge discussing more of our geeky favorites. Having already covered movies, comics, and video games, we now shift our focus on which book series is your favorite. Today’s post may sound a bit familiar as I’m once again talking about the Harry Potter books.

Favorite book series – I wrote for Day 7 of the challenge how the Harry Potter books are one of the most recent fandoms I’ve gotten into, but they have jumped to my favorite series of books since reading them. I started reading the books with the intention of simply seeing what it was that had produced such a rabid fanbase, but was genuinely surprised at just how invested I became in the lives of Harry, Ron, and Hermione and how quickly. My favorite books of the series are Prisoner of Azkaban and The Half-Blood Prince. I really loved reading through The Deathly Hallows as well, as you gain more insight into Dumbledore’s mysterious past and the ending did an excellent job of wrapping up all of the character arcs and storylines. I unfortunately don’t have any nostalgic attachment to the books as I read them as an adult. I really, really wish I would have read the Harry Potter books as a kid because they strike a perfect balance of being easy to pick up and read, but there’s depth to them that keeps you thinking afterwards.

Not a real long post for tonight as I don’t want to sound like I’m merely repeating my answer from a previous question. What’s your favorite book series or standalone book? Let me know in the comments below. We’ll keep on geeking out tomorrow!

Author: Gaming Omnivore

Just a guy who loves video games, drinks way too much coffee and can recite way too many Simpsons episodes...

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